The Importance of Emotional Intimacy in a Healthy Marriage

Marriage Matters

One of the most essential components of a successful and happy marriage is intimacy. Emotional intimacy is no exception. Is it a problem if you’re not as intimate as you once were? Marriages with insufficient emotional intimacy are more common than you would assume. Couples who are experiencing this circumstance are interested in understanding if the relationship can endure this condition or not, despite the fact that the reasons for this vary. To understand emotional intimacy in marriage, you will need to ask yourself these questions:


  • Are you two growing distant from one another?
  • Is it difficult for you to communicate with your spouse?
  • Do you ever feel that “my partner doesn’t get me” or like two ships that greet each other with a light at night?


If your response to the questions above is yes, you might need assistance. Relationships suffer when there is emotional distance. A strong relationship is built on emotional connection in marriage. You can develop emotional closeness with your spouse.


Read more about the importance of emotional closeness in a healthy marriage in this article along with suggestions on dealing with it.


Understanding emotional intimacy


Emotional intimacy occurs when you strongly connect with your partner and share your vulnerabilities. One of the most fulfilling components of a relationship for many couples is being able to share their most private thoughts and feelings with their partner.


Intimacy on an emotional level promotes security and trust in your relationship. Emotional intimacy is feeling close to, emotionally attached to, and supported by your spouse. You may let down your guard in an emotionally intimate marriage, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and express your concerns, hopes, and dreams with your partner. You can be wholly yourself when both you and your spouse have emotional intimacy.


You’re more prone to experience feelings of loneliness or resentment in a relationship marked by emotional distance. It’s less probable that you’ll experience love, respect, security, or support.


Emotional and sexual intimacy are not the same. Regardless of how enjoyable your sexual experiences are, a relationship will suffer if there is a lack of emotional connection. The best part is that a couple’s sex life usually gets better as they develop emotional intimacy.


Sexual closeness and emotional intimacy are not quite the same. But, it might improve the sex.


We require emotional closeness. We are wired for connection as humans. By releasing the feel-good chemicals oxytocin, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, emotional connection uplifts our spirits. Even life expectancy can be increased by intimacy.


The importance of emotional intimacy


Lack of intimacy tends to increase if we do not foster it. Sometimes, couples may not have developed emotional intimacy from the beginning of their relationship. This could be due to various reasons such as individual differences, past experiences, or external factors that may have hindered their ability to connect on a deeper level. In such cases, it’s important to actively work towards developing emotional intimacy by communicating openly, expressing vulnerability, and actively listening to each other.


In other cases, emotional intimacy may deteriorate over time, especially as the initial excitement of the relationship fades away. Partners may begin to take each other for granted or become complacent, leading to a lack of effort in maintaining emotional closeness. The reason couples always give is:


“I love my spouse, and I know that he loves me, but I need to experience his proximity more frequently, and I am unsure how to make that happen.”


In such situations, it’s important to recognize the issue and take action to reignite the spark by spending quality time together, expressing appreciation, and engaging in meaningful conversations.


Why the need for emotional intimacy?


Emotional intimacy is an integral part of a healthy marriage. It is a deep connection that allows partners to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences with each other. When couples build emotional intimacy is a crucial aspect of a healthy marriage. When partners connect on an emotional level, they create a space where they can be vulnerable, understood, and supported. This bond can strengthen the marriage and help partners navigate the ups and downs of life together. Below, we’ll discuss some of the important reasons why emotional intimacy is necessary for a healthy marriage.


  • Better Handling of Difficulties

Regardless of your differences, you can overcome obstacles by bonding on an emotional level. Relationship difficulties are unavoidable, so it is essential to learn how to deal with them. When spouses can’t handle obstacles, most partners decide to part ways. The ability to count on your lover for emotional support is made possible by an emotional connection, which is crucial when trying to solve problems.


  • Setting Reasonable Goals

The majority of partners have inflated hopes. They are dissatisfied when they discover that their hopes aren’t fulfilled at the end of the day. Establishing emotional connection enables you to set reasonable expectations. It gives you and your spouse the room to respect and encourage each other despite your differences and physical limits. You will be in a position to make better accommodations for what the other partner isn’t providing for you. This fosters a sense of inventiveness, tolerance, and trust. In the end, you both benefit from a fulfilling relationship where you both know what to anticipate from your spouse.


  • Elevated Respect Between Partners

In partnerships, emotional closeness makes it easier to express and receive respect from your partner. When there is a disagreement, respect is useful. When there is no respect, there is a vicious exchange of angry words, and no one is willing to admit when they are wrong. Respect enables you to take into account the other partner’s feelings and assist in amicably resolving the disagreement. An emotional connection fosters respect, which is essential for settling disputes between couples.


  • Allows for Impromptu Fun

The worst kind of fun a partnership can have is forced enjoyment. Fun gets dull and lackluster when it is planned. Relationships that are emotionally intimate provide you two the freedom to act impulsively and have fun. You may connect more easily when you have emotional ties. You won’t have to work hard to have fun and really appreciate each other’s company. You can both relax and have fun whenever you choose.


  • Genuine Communication

You may listen intently for genuine comprehension when you have emotional connection. You’ll be able to pay attention to your companion and comprehend their perspective. This gives you a platform to interact more effectively and pay attention to one another. One of the main factors that contribute to marriages disintegrating so rapidly and readily is a breakdown in communication. Understanding when and how to listen and when you should speak will help you communicate with your partner more effectively. Genuine, sincere conversation can flourish on an intimate foundation.


  • Makes Your Relationship More Genuine and Authentic

You don’t hold anything back from your spouse when you feel an emotional connection with them. Instead, your interaction will be genuine and grounded in reality. At all times, your relationship will be built on genuine emotions rather than façade.


  • Improves Physical Health

One of the causes of bad health in humans is stress. Your body releases the mood-enhancing hormone oxytocin when you are content in your relationship. A content life encourages connection and strengthens your partnership. This promotes health at its best. Relationships with emotional connection avoid suspicion, envy, and the need for retribution. You’ll benefit from balanced energy, resilience, a healthy libido, and regular sleep cycles. Improved sleep encourages good health.


Constantly make an effort to emotionally connect with your partner. Physical intimacy is crucial, but when coupled with emotional closeness, a relationship is more likely to last longer, be happier, and be healthier.



Marriage Matters


In conclusion, emotional intimacy is a vital aspect of a healthy marriage. It allows partners to connect on a deeper level, fostering trust, empathy, and understanding. When couples cultivate emotional intimacy, they create a strong foundation for their relationship that can weather any storm. While building emotional intimacy may take time and effort, the rewards are worth it, as it can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying marriage.


If you want to learn more about building emotional intimacy in your marriage, check out Be Strong International’s Marriage Matters program. This program is designed to help couples develop the heart skills and the tools necessary to build and maintain a strong, healthy, and emotionally intimate marriage. With the guidance of experienced coaches, workshops, and events, you and your spouse can learn how to deepen your connection and create a loving and supportive partnership that will last a lifetime.


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Palmetto Bay, FL 33157


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